How many people should you date before settling down?
I found this to be a fascinating conversation where Hannah Fry explains the equation behind that decision, and the role that algorithms play in every aspect of our lives.
Virgin Galactic
I make no secret of my long held desire to experience Space Travel – and fully hope this becomes a feasible reality for many during our lifetimes.
Set to a beautiful Debussy piece, Richard Branson recites a letter to his grandchildren commemorating Virgin Galactic’s first entry into space. As more companies spring up in this space, the excitement around venturing beyond our planet is growing once again.
Best Artists
“Good artists copy, the best artists steal”
In the week that Instagram announced yet another copycat feature (“Reels”) – you have to admire Zuckerberg and Facebook’s ability to always think a few steps ahead, identify opportunities, and neutralise threats. A lot of that time that means acquiring a competitor, and if that doesn’t work, mimicking what they do.
May you live a good life, and may your art live long.