Self actualisation
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and the concept of achieving self-actualisation, have been significant influences in my life. Both consciously and sub-consciously, we’re always striving for ‘something more’, with self-actualisation being viewed as the pinnacle of existence.
Maybe it’s a natural function of age, maybe it’s been accelerated by the pandemic, but I find myself regularly asking – what does self actualisation really entail and is there more beyond that?
There exist a range of answers both scientific and spiritual, and is a topic that will be revisited many times. But for now, I found this description of a self actualised being to be the most accurate based on my experiences and understanding to date:
- Clear and true perception of reality (not clouded by personal bias).
- Elevated acceptance of self, others, nature (not hampered by guilt, fear, shame, anxiety).
- Spontaneity (naturally exuberant, welcome the unknown and embrace change).
- Centered on issues (as opposed to ego or self-centered).
- Increased detachment & at ease with solitude (not dependent on others for happiness).
- Autonomous & holistic (independent from social pressures, cosmic perspective).
- Appreciative & full of wonder (akin to having a child’s eye when looking at the world).
- Enhanced frequency of peak experiences (mystical experiences occur more often).
- Increased comradery with all humans, in fact all of nature (as opposed to being myopic).
- Enhanced relationships (capable of unconditional love, free of ego boundaries).
- Democratic outlook (view everyone as equals regardless of who or where they may be).
- More creative (in a spontaneous and playful way across any aspect of life).
- Humble & grateful (their ego is a side-show, not the main attraction).
- Greater perspective & value system (capacity to see problems in a much bigger context, even able to dissolve worry and welcome all of life’s challenges as opportunities for growth)
Seems like a great state to be in, and I suspect there are many actualised beings amongst us that go by unnoticed every single day.
Something out of nothing
“My grandfather taught me at a very young age that it’s all about going through the process and hitting each step and completing each step and not taking any shortcuts. It’s very important to finish all of the steps of the task. Until something is complete and feel like I put in my best effort, I don’t stop.”
From an interview with Lenny Kravitz, on what it takes to combine creativity, confidence and discipline to manifest something impactful. A man of many talents who has transcended music to influence style and now, the dental industry!